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Welcome to I Care 4 Teachers

Self-care isn’t a one-time task to check off your list. It involves a continuous series of small habits that collectively nurture and ensure you’re at your best emotionally, physically, and mentally. The most effective approach is to incorporate small self-care practices into your daily routine. Consistently adding a touch of care and attention to your own body, mind, and soul is key.

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If you're looking to get the most out of life, here's what I've found works wonders:

→ Be the best educator that YOU can be.

→ Make time for the things you love outside of work, like hobbies and passions.

→ Spend quality time with your family and buddies.

→ Don’t forget to give yourself some TLC too!

The trick is to strike a sweet balance.

You know, feeling calm and collected as you step into your classroom and just as chilled when you’re heading back home.

Believe me, it’s doable – I’ve been there! Remember, though, that balance isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing; it shifts and changes, varying from day to day and person to person.

So, are you game to give this a shot? I’d love to have a chat about where you’re at and how I can lend a hand.


Our Mission & Vision

I Care 4 Teachers is a transformative brand dedicated to empowering educators who work tirelessly to uplift economically disadvantaged students. Our mission is to provide a holistic approach to self-care, offering personalized products, rejuvenating practices, and community support that nurture the wellbeing of these educators. Through our empowering resources, we aim to transform the lives of educators and, in turn, create a ripple effect of positive change in the lives of their students.

A Word

From Our Founder

“Throughout my years in education, I’ve seen a significant shift in how I approach self-care. When I first started teaching, the idea of self-care was almost like a foreign concept, easily lost in the hustle of preparing lessons, grading assignments, writing IEP’s (Individualized Education Plans), attending meetings, and all of the other endless responsibilities of being a special education teacher…”

– Trina Horton

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